
photos: Riepe, Bültemann

sharp spoon or curette

incision by skalpell

incision by skalpell

The cleaning of wounds is called debridement. Historically the term originates from the french maître barbier chirurgien Ambroise Paré (1510-1590). The goal of debridement is the removal of slough and necrosis, a reduction of bacteria, exposure of vital cells and their receptors, allowing the assessment of the wound.

In the following different techniques of debridement are listed:

- surgical / sharp (skalpell, sharp spoon, curette) and anaesthesia

- instrumental (e.g. low frequency ultrasound (LFU), waterskalpell)

- biologcal by larvae

- mechanical (e.g. forceps, wet gauze, microfibre cloth, showering with filter)

- autolytic / enzymatic, solution of slough by hydrogel

- by the dressing (e.g. uptake of exudation by foam)

Pain control is partially possible by Emla®-Creme after application unter foil for at least 20 min.

Link to producers

surgical - with dermatome

biological - larvae

low frequency ultrasound

The WundUhr® - WoundWatch - offers an orienting productneutral overview of the basics of phase appropiate modern wound treatment. For further information about the dressing materials we recommend to consult the manufacturers. The missing improvement of a wound within 14 days must lead to the search of an overlooked source.

WundUhr® design and text: Gunnar Riepe, Anke Bültemann
Webdesign: Gunnar Riepe, 56076 Koblenz, mail:, © 2011