- polyurethane foams with pores in variable sizes,
- some with semiocclusive outer layers (protects clothes),
- some with contact layers towards the wound (silicone, hydrocolloid)
- compression changes structutre of foam, reduces water uptake
fine foam:
- high water uptake, different moisture vapor tramsmission rates (MVTR),
- poor uptake of exudate, less wound adhesion, less pain
coarse foam:
- higher uptake of exsudate, reduction of slough
caution: ingrowth and adhesion may cause pain on removal (soak well)
- moderate to heavier exudation
- contact layers on sensitive wounds (e.g. split skin donor site)
- assistance on autolytic debridement (coarse foams)
- environment for healing (damp, warm, protected)
- edge maceration (due to horizontal transport of exudate)
- infection (more frequent change of dressing)
- PAD grade IV
- pain on removal (coarse foam)
- overlap wound edge well
- achieve contact to wound bed, by filling
- some are self adhesive
- some need additional fixation by bandage or foils
caution: additional foil coverage reduces gas permeability of semiocclusive foams, just cover the edges of the dressing with strips of foil for attachment
Change of dressing
- change before edge is reached (beware of maceration)
- on demand every 2 to 7 days
Link to producers
 ketchup uptake of fine foam |
 ketchup uptake in coarse foam |
 exudate uptake bx coarse foam |
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WundUhr® Design und Text: Gunnar Riepe, Anke Bültemann Webdesign: Gunnar Riepe, 56076 Koblenz, mail:, © 2011